Monday, October 16, 2006


Kona Earthquake

I am fine... there were no major injuries or damage. My flight was delayed a few hours from Kona to Honolulu but I made it. Power came on around 12:30am. When I have more time I will detail my events and show some pictures.

glad your home safe and sound. seen you on tv here . was cute
Congratulations on being a Presidential host. Can't wait to see what your pictures will be of the earthquak and happy to hear you are safe.
HI Honey...Glad you are ok now...I am sure it was very scarry...I am also glad the power is back on and you got to rest in your own bed last night. It was fun to see you on TV last night..I do have a tape for you as your Aunt Peggy recorded it, and has it..Take care Love, Mom
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