Saturday, October 14, 2006


Kailua-Kona... here I come

Well today I am heading off to Kailua-Kona on the Big Island. It has been a busy week with school and dad visiting. I haven't spent as much time as I would like to with him and Kristal but it has been nice. I was able to take some "sick" time on Thursday afternoon. Dad and Kristal came and met me at my office we did lunch and then went to Hanama Bay to go snorkeling. It was fun, neither of them had snorkeled in the past and dad doesn't really like the water. But they tried it and had fun.

Friday morning I received an email telling me that I have been accepted by the President of HPU as one of the new President Hosts. A President Host is a position that is a very big honor at HPU. You have to have to maintain a 3.0 gpa, be nominated by a faculty or staff member, go through an interview process, a board then reviews all applicants and finally the president approves or disapproves the nominee. Luckily my former boss, Dean Whitfield nominated me and I was selected. I will receive a wonderful sweatshirt and be required to help host important presidential events and mingle with trustees, donors and other important people. I'm really excited! The president goes all out on these events and its usually at really swanky places around town plus an open bar at most of them.

Good for you honey...Glad you got the position... and I am sure the Open Bar is very important~ Hope all goes well with you and the Earthquake, sounds pretty bad from here..Glad you are ok..take care..Love MOM
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