Sunday, October 22, 2006


I had a bad day...

Saturday was a bad day for me. I went to class and did not want to be there at all. I had big plans of shopping at the outlet mall after class. Which I did but don't worry I only bought two things. Anyway, when I arrived at the outlet I parked the car between two other cars. When I came back from shopping I noticed a motorcycle had been parked next to me. As I am sitting in the car getting ready to back out I hear a bang. I kind of looked around but saw nothing so I thought maybe a palm leaf had fallen on top of the car. But no, I looked around again an noticed the motorcycle wasn't next to me anymore and there was a little blue car backed half way into the spot. Yes that's right some stupid person "didn't see" the motorcycle parked there and backed into it causing it to tip over and hit Alexis' car. I got out and yes there was a bit of damage, a couple scratches and a bit of a dent. The woman was stunned so I had her lift the bike off my car so I would be able to leave, I got her name and number and told her she better at least leave a note for the owner of the bike. She said she would wait for the owner to come back. SO I get ready to leave and the lady has the nerve to come up an tell me that I took her cell phone. Man that lady was Luckily that I was already in the car. I was not a happy camper. So instead of going to Old Navy I was upset and drove home to tell Alexis.... she didn't even go to look at it. As long as it was drivable she was pretty cool.... whew.

Next mishap of the day... I had gotten FREE tickets to a Hawaiian Winter Baseball game from Talsha for last night. So Alexis, Lynn, Amanda and I were going to it. As we were getting ready I looked at the tickets and found out the game was scheduled for 7pm instead of 6pm...not that big of a deal. Then I noticed that the four tickets weren't together. Two were in row 5 seats 9 & 10 and the other two were in row 6 seats 1 & 2. Again not that bad. The girls arrive at 5pm. I tell them the news about the time and seats. No big deal we go to get some cash at the ATM and I look at the tickets again. Hmm.... October 20th? That doesn't seem right..... yeah folks, we had missed the game by a whole day. How crappy is that? At least they were all cool with it.. they laughed at me and I felt bad but life goes on... So anyone who knows me, knows I don't make mistakes like that often if ever. I usually plan and am in charge of things like that all the time. So this incident... I blame the fact that the tickets were free and I swear Talsha said they were for Saturday.

Yes you sure had a bad day!!!...I knew about the car mishap..But WOW, Bob and I both laughed at the Game thing!!....You poor thing....I sure hope today and the rest of the week goes better...Love MOM
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