Sunday, October 08, 2006


Crazy Friday

With a busy day at work and a group presentation at night made for a hectic day. Dad and Kristal were set to arrive in Honolulu at 5:15pm get a cab and go to their hotel. My plan was to meet them Saturday after my class...but I got a phone call a little after 3pm...they had arrived, early. They were heading to their hotel.... around 4:45pm they called again. Something was wrong with their reservation so I rushed home, they got a cab to my apartment I visited for a bit then headed to class a little late.... It was a rush but it was good to see they stayed the night then I took them to their hotel after my class today..... the beginning of a busy week with work, school and visiting.

get busy and write on here. i miss you when you take so many days off
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