Monday, July 03, 2006



Chris Cagle

It's the 4th of July holiday weekend and I have had a lot of fun so far. I signed Alexis and I up to volunteer at BAYFEST. Bayfest is a five day event on the Marine Corps Base Hawaii to support the navy and marines. There is live music, a carnival, an expo hall with companies info, beer tents and military vesicles you could go inside. So volunteering for the HPU booth was great. We went to Bayfest on Saturday night to see Chris Cagle (our first day of free admittance). We then went back yesterday to work at the HPU booth (we got some free goodies from HPU and UH) and we watched part of the STAIND concert. We are actually going back for another free admittance on Tomorrow to see Trick Pony and .38 special......should be fun.

Hi Natasha! Read your blog and saw you were looking for this receipe. It is really good but of course like all things delicious they are fatting. Trust me, I know! My Grand kids love them too.
You have been taking some great pictures of Hawaii. Wish we had some like this. But we were on a different island.
Leona Larson

Chocolate Covered Bananas

4 bananas
1 (12oz) package chocolate chips

Peel bananas. Cut each banana in half crosswise. Put popsicle stick
into flat cut end of each banana half. Place bananas on cookie sheet
and put into freezer. Freeze until bananas are firm (about 1 hour).
Melt chocolate chips in medium size skillet over low heat. Turn off heat
after chocolate chips are melted. Or put chocolate chips in glass baking
dish and heat at low LOW power in the microwave oven for about 1
minute. Roll frozen bananas in melted chocolate chips until banana is
coated with chocolate. After each banana is coated with chocolate,
put it back on cookie sheet. Return chocolate-coated bananas on
cookie sheet to freezer. Freeze until chocolate is frozen (about
15-20 minutes). After chocolate is frozen, wrap each banana in
plastic wrap. Keep frozen until time to serve.
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