Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Independence Day

What a happy 4th of July! I slept in, watched a movie with Heidi and then went to a bar-b-que at a European's house. What a way to celebrate our Independence. It was a great time, I had the best steak every and my first brat on the island. The funny thing is I was actually invited to another bar-b-que being hosted by another group of Europeans. I guess any reason to get together with friends is good.

After the bar-b-que I came back home and got Alexis (she had been studying for a midterm...who gives a midterm the day after a holiday..gosh). We proceeded back to the happiest place on earth...BAYFEST. Again we had free admittance for working the HPU booth. We took some pictures and listened to some good music..... Trick Pony and .38 Special were performing. We had a great spot dead center to watch the performance. And we even made some new friends...... was a great 4th of July. The fireworks had nothing on Rhythm and Booms but then again... R&B doesn't take place on a military base with all these soldiers around. It was amazing... I was PROUD to be an AMERICAN!

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