Saturday, June 10, 2006


Shrimp Shack

What a week. I started my online course, seemed to be pretty easy until I read the assignment due on June 20th. I am supposed to read a 435 page book and answer 30+ questions... yuck! Alexis also started classes at HPU this week.. She is taking two classes in the evenings. I will be picking her up after class around 9pm for the next 10 weeks.

Today was our hiking day, but we didn't hike. We went to a state park, but couldn't find the trail and we were feeling uncomfortable as there were a lot of locals milling about. So we tried to find another park...once at the next hiking trail area we couldn't find parking (it was a residential area and sometimes parking is risky as locals don't want you there). So we kept driving around the island. We stopped for Shrimp on the North Shore and then at a small fruit stand for mango and pineapple. Followed by desert at the Dole plantation, pineapple ice cream for me and a chocolate banana for Alexis. Over all it was a good day. We are going to go for a long walk tomorrow to make up for missing the hike.

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