Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Chocolate Covered Bananas

Well I have been to two movies in two days and eaten three frozen chocolate covered bananas in that time period also. First of all if anyone lives by a Safeway grocery store or heck can find chocolate covered bananas in the ice cream department, I suggest you invest. They are amazing, I'm even considering making my own. If anyone has a good recipe please let me know.

Yesterday I went and saw the Break-Up with Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn. It had some good laughs but it left me wanting more. I would recommend seeing it and supporting Jennifer Aniston because she is great. And tonight I went and saw the Sentinel at the $1 theater. Not bad, better than watching reruns of who knows what on TV at home.

Oh yeah, I also started my first ever online class today. It should be a wild bumpy ride......

I tasha...thank you for the birthday wishes....i just realized that i could leave these comments....HI DENISE & BOB if you are reading this also....
Hi Bananas sound good...have a great day,,, Hi Jason......Love MOM
Hi Denise....i knew you would check this...hopefully all is well with you....I just wanted to say HI again...oh yea...Hi Tasha..thanks for the phone call yesterday and the day before.
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