Saturday, May 27, 2006


Waterfall Hike

We found another wonderful hike this Saturday morning. We departed around 9:45am for a short trip across the mountains to the windward side. Just after a hair pin turn on the Pali Highway is a small lookout. We parked there and walked a short distance to the trailhead (see picture at left) to begin our journey. We seemed to be moving at a rather quick pace over some rough terrain. It was really very beautiful. After about an hour of hiking into a valley in the mountains, we came across the sign for a trail to the waterfall. Down a ridge we went the whole time wondering how we were going to get back up...... after a while and many steps we made it to a stream. We actually had to walk across the stream down a bit to a beautiful waterfall with tons of people swimming and diving off of rocks. After about 20mins, we headed back. The journey back almost killed us with all the stairs. Luckily we had a fanny pack with a first aid kit, cell phone, keys, etc. and Alexis was carrying a bottle of gatorade. All in all, the trip was four hours long. It was an amazing adventure. To top off the hike we went to Foodland and bought popsicles.

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