Sunday, May 14, 2006


One semester down

I am finally done with my first semester of graduate school. Thank you to all of you for your patience with me during my final weeks of school. I know I have been pretty busy and cranky, but it's over now.

I am including some pictures from our day hiking yesterday. It was pretty crazy. We drove around Tantalus Drive which is in the mountains and it connects to Roundtop Drive to come back down. To our dismay, we were unable to drive all the way down Roundtop Dr. because of landslides. The road was actually closed with large cement barricades. So back up the mountain we went with all of the hairpin turns. It was a bit sickening by the end.

We also finally went bowling at this really retro bowling alley in Kailua. We actually signed a petition in hopes to keep the bowling alley open.

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