Sunday, May 21, 2006


Makapuu Lighthouse

Saturday we went on a hike to Makapuu Lighthouse. It was just shy of 3 miles roundtrip but well worth it. For a while we weren't sure we would make it but at last, we did. The views were amazing. We were able to get up close to WWII bunkers (I'm standing on one in the picture attached). It was amazing, we could see two sides of the island.

Today we went to the beach with Heidi and then to the Old Spaghetti Factory for dinner. The food was great and the milk was even better. Heidi and I (the two midwestern girls) decided to see how much milk we could drink ( it was $1.50 with free refills instead of $7.50 a gallon). Needless to say, I wasn't feeling well after dinner.

Milk !!!..WOW I bet you drank alot of it..gosh at 7.50 a gallon..I am sure you got your fill for a bit....The pictures are nice I am sure it was a long walk..but wellworth it....xxoxoxo MOM
really a nice view . cant believe milk is 7.50 a gallon . id go back there again just for the milk
love ya gram
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