Monday, April 03, 2006


They're gone...

Well the time has come and went...Mom and Bob are now on their way home to Wisconsin. It was a great visit. We spent a lot of time getting little things for the apartment, food, decorations, a desk, dressers etc... Bob also spent a lot of time fixing little things in the apartment like the crack under our door, caulking around the bathtub, adjusting the lock on our door, checking all lightbulbs and smoke detectors. We spent a lot of time shopping, we went to the mall alot. Mom managed to buy herself a few new purses and me one from Coach.

A few other highlights of the week were....

~ the exploding toilet
~ Oh so aged blue cheese dressing
~ Flooding all over the island
~ Two days of sun which gave mom a little color
~ A freezer full of meat
~ Shopping for mace

I had a great time with them here. Feel free to ask their opinions on our neighborhood and surroundings, we do apparently live on the edge of the ghetto (it doesn't seem that bad). I will miss them, but hopefully I will be home this summer.....

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