Friday, April 21, 2006


Bomb Threat

Well another day in paradise..... welcome to 4/20. I was reminded today of the incidents of our past, Columbine and Hitler's birthday. Well around 10:45 am the Honolulu Police Department received a phone call from a pay phone near my building. The bomb threat was directed at my floor (later I heard that it was directed at HPU) The evacuation started on the otherside of my floor. Over an hour later, all floors had been evacuated, and we were finally able to go back in. It was a bit unsettling as building security did the sweep (looking for the bomb) as HPD stood around outside, and no bomb squad was called. Very odd...

After class Alexis and I went to Waikiki to the Shell (an outdoor theater) where we stood outside the gates and listened to Neil McCoy and Craig Morgan, yes real country singers here in Hawaii. We didn't stay too long but it was nice to listen to it and do something different. After our bus ride home we made a new friend, yes we have a lizard that is uncatchable now living in our apartment.

Yuck a lizzard!!..Too bad you didn't catch it!...Wow another bomb threat at HPU? Thats not good!!.... On your Lizard...Did you name it?...Better find it before I come back....Have a great day....xoxoo MOM
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