Friday, February 24, 2006


We're angry

Well another wonderful day here in Hawaii. After class I came home and had dinner. After dinner Alexis and I decided if we were going to go out or not....we wanted to meet up with the Aussie guys from last night....but when I tried calling Chris it wouldn't work. I guess I'm not sure how to dial internationally from my cell phone. Anyways...he never called me but we still decided to head to Nashville (the country bar in Waikiki).

After about an hour of being at the bar...the Aussie's strolled in. The previous night I had told Chris that we should meet up there tonight. Well he took me literally and they showed up. I guess they had been there for like an hour before we got there then they left and came back to see if we were there..... how nice. However the evening went sour... we played some darts and then Chris and another guy left to make a phone call ( I think the friend had girl problems back home) and they never came back. We finished our dart game with Michael and decided to go. At one point Michael told me he thought Chris was "keen on me"...... but Chris was gone. Michael mentioned meeting up tomorrow night... but who knows. I told him that if they wanted to call, Chris had my number. All we got was a high five from Michael as we left (a bit of a let down for Alexis, but he was 23, living at home, his mom waits up for him when he goes out, he never graduated high school, and he sells toilets).

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