Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Valentines Day

Another Valentines Day come and gone.... I actually had a really good day. I got some candy from people at work. And the office was filled with flowers, most of the male professors ran out to buy flowers for the ladies in their lives. I'm really enjoying my job the more I get used to it. It think it will be a benefit to my educational experience.

I'm actually happy I didn't have any big plans for tonight as I have a paper to write by Thursday. I spent some time tonight working on it and I have all evening tomorrow to finish it. But aside from researching journals I also have to teach myself how to use APA format instead of MLA. That is a bit tricky. But I have faith that I will finish it.

For dinner I made Lasagna, not as good as it could have been but we are still running on minimal seasonings and such in our kitchen. I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines Day!!

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