Sunday, February 19, 2006



Yummy yummy I got food in my was a good day. Class went well this morning. We spent some time in the library. Then I came home watched a movie with Alexis And tried to go to the beach with Heidi. It wasn't sunny so we went to a craft fair near Waikiki and I finally had my first shaved ice (not the best but....) . After the beach we stopped by a garden store and bought a few plants for the apartment. I was sooooo happy, plants make it feel like home.

Alexis made an awesome dinner with her grandpas canned beef and we had a few beers. Later in the evening we went to some bars in the downtown area.... a little scary but not too bad as long as we are in a group. On the way home we stopped at a Karaoke bar... crazy. You don't even have to stand up, you can stay seated and just sing at pretty much anytime of the day. I didn't sing (neither did Alexis) but on the way home, we went to the 7-11 for a Musubi. For those of you unaware... a musubi is a little snack from a convenience store that has rice, seaweed and usually spam. But tonight it was BBQ chicken. Alexis and I are both fans of the Spam instead of the chicken......

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