Saturday, February 18, 2006


Its a holiday weekend

Finally a three day weekend.... well aside from class tomorrow morning at 8am. We don't work on Monday because it is President's Day, is that a normal holiday that people get off of work? I feel like Hawaii has 12 paid holidays a year and that has to be more than the mainland...... Anyways, the last few days were exhausting. I had my first real paper due and I was scrambling. I guess that is expected after taking three and a half years off from school. Work and life in general has been pretty slow. Tonight Alexis and I went to Pricebusters to pick up a few things for the house like a mop and some plastic cups. Then we grabbed a bite to eat at Taco Bell. Which is run by a very scary Nazi like women. The person in front of you isn't even out of the way and she is yelling at you to order. Kinda crazy. But now we are home and studying. Hopefully it will be an early night.

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