Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Holiday Weekend

Well things took a bit of a downward turn as the holiday weekend came to a close. One would think that it was because of the impending work week, but no. Mom had a rough day, she is currently seeing her doctors and trying to figure out what's going on. And last I heard my grandma was in the hospital dealing with a possible heart attack and/or blood clots. Needless to say I am a little homesick, wish I could be there with them. But I believe they will both be up and running again real soon. I'll keep you posted.

I did go to the beach on Monday, it was a bit cold but nice to be out of the apartment, we ate Taco Bell on the beach. Alexis and I have plans to go on a whale watching cruise on Sunday, she purchased the tickets tonight, I hope we see something...

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