Friday, February 24, 2006


Hard Rock Cafe

After an interesting day where I learned that my mom had been admitted into the hospital, Alexis and I decided to go out for a drink. We ended up walking almost all the way to the Hard Rock Cafe, which from our offices downtown was close to 2 miles. But since we didn't go the direct route (because we didn't know the direct route) we walked closer to 3 miles. And we thought we were never going to get there so we hailed a taxi for the two blocks (Hard Rock was around a bend in the road...we couldn't see it).

Once at Hard Rock we sat at the bar where I actually knew the bartender (from school). He was super nice and gave us an awesome discount at the end of the night. We had dinner and a few drinks and a group of friendly Australians came in and eventually chatted with us. They were very nice, only here for four days then off on a whirlwind trip around the world. We had a great time and may meet up with the Aussies again before they leave.

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