Monday, February 13, 2006


Company comes and goes

Morning came very early after a long Saturday night at Nashville Waikiki. We had a lot to do before the PRO BOWL today like returning the rental car and finding Wendy's ( yes it was a challenge, but we did it). The PRO BOWL was a pretty cool experience, but it was really long. It seemed like after every play there was some type of timeout. But the plays were really exciting, a lot more adventurous than a regular season game. We also were able to enjoy the half time show with the Backstreet Boys, yippee!!

Once we left the game we came back and napped, which felt great. And later in evening Mike and Ipo came over for a bit. Then everyone left..... Beth caught a cab around 10pm. She will always be our number 1 visitor. Thanks for coming Beth!!! Tons of fun.... what happens in Hawaii stays in Hawaii.

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