Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Week 1

Monday was a holiday so we didn't do a whole lot. Alexis had an interview at Home Depot and we spent some time driving around checking out apartments.

Tuesday was a good day. We both had interviews in the downtown area. Mine at my school and Alexis had one at a temp agency. We met after the interviews for lunch at Aloha Tower. Before lunch was over, Alexis had two interviews for bookkeeping jobs. While she left me to interview I received THE CALL. Yes we got the apartment we wanted! I was so excited. As was Alexis once she found out. We went back and started planning the week as we couldn't move into the apartment until Friday. The day just kept getting better, Alexis got a call later in the afternoon and was offered a job. Awesome.

The rest of the week went slow, we actually laid out at the beach and relaxed (a bit). We even went out Wednesday night for the first time. If I haven't already said this... Hawaii doesn't have any country radio stations on the FM dial. So we were really happy to find a country bar in Waikiki. What an experience that was.......

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