Sunday, January 29, 2006


Wanna help buy a car?

So after last night, we are seriously considering purchasing some sort of car. The Bus system here is usually pretty decent at least during the week. But come the weekend, they shorten the schedule. Last night we went to the bus stop a little after 8pm, buses are supposed to run every 30 mins on the weekend. We didn't even see a bus until 9:15pm. Then we had to transfer buses which was another 30 mins of waiting. All in all, it took us 2 hours to travel about 6 miles arriving around 10pm and the establishment we were going to closed at midnight. Thankfully the cab fare home was only $12, as the Bus stops running at 10:30pm on the weekends.

Overall, the night was enjoyable. We ended up meeting our next door neighbor when we came home (very nice guy) and made a few phone calls.

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