Wednesday, January 25, 2006


The move in

We met our landlord at noon to sign our lease. We found out that our building has a rooftop recreation area, bonus. It took nearly an hour to sign all the papers and go over the check-in process. We had to furnish the apartment as best we could by 2pm Sat (when we had to return our rental car). And since we hadn't planned as well as we could have we had to return our nice Trail Blazer and get a Chevy HHR (a mini SUV).

So we were off... all over the island. We must have went to Walmart 5 times in that 24 hour period. We got all the basics, trash cans, ziploc bags, shower curtain, pots, towels, etc. If you haven't started from scratch to furnish your home...DON'T. Those hand me downs from family are a blessing. By the end of Friday we had settled on beds..... me a futon (the last one) and Alexis an inflatable queen size bed (pretty cool). Our first night sleeping here was kinda scary. We aren't in the country anymore.

Saturday morning we went to a Swapmeet and got a few things then continued shopping..... by the end of Saturday, we still had nothing to sit on in the living room but we have a coffee table and tv/tv stand.

The nest few days we relaxed and unpacked.

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