Tuesday, January 31, 2006


First day of work

I think I am going to like it, a bit slower than previous jobs I have had but it will be a nice change. One of the exciting things I did was copy 81 pages of a book for someone. I also met with HR and found out about my benefits. My health insurance actually starts on Feb 1st and its a really good deal. Here in Hawaii people hardly pay anything for their insurance, in fact I heard you only need to work 20 hours a week to qualify for medical. That's pretty nice.

I also had class last night, I was feeling a bit under the weather but I made it. Unfortunately, I have some type of stomach bug and am not going in today. I feel bad not going my second day of work but I can't see spending the majority of my time there in the bathroom. One more day and I can go to the doctor.

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