Thursday, January 26, 2006



For those of you that are unfamiliar with the is a flying cockroach around 2 inches in size. Yes last night while sitting on our floor getting ready to go to sleep Alexis and I both saw a large black spot scurry across the floor. We instantly freaked out. We put shoes on, grabbed bug spray and the broom.

The little bugger went under the fridge but was daring and came back out. What a fast little bugger he was. We sprayed the heck out of him and I smacked him with the broom. Success.

We figure he was traveling alone, as of now, we have a gap under our front door (we are waiting for our screen door) once that is fixed it will be harder for the critters to enter. Our apartment is like a dorm, made out of concrete and we keep it very clean.......yet we still looked into the Orkin Man.

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