Sunday, January 18, 2009


I know I know..... its been a while

I have been "blog-tagged" to share six fun and random facts. Here goes:

1. I love scrap booking. I started when I lived in Madison with Laura and my passion has faded in and out over the years. Currently, I am working on an ongoing scrapbook about Geoff and my adventures.

2. I am obsessed with HGTV. I could watch home remodeling and real estate shows all day. I have so many great ideas and can't wait to have a space to call my own.

3. I like baking. Today I am making pizza crust and earlier I made Buckeyes. I think I may be turning into Betty Crocker.... that or I really, really enjoy my Kitchen Aid mixer.

4. I have a hard time getting rid of clothes. My closet is over flowing with articles of clothing that I don't wear, yet I have a really hard time parting with any of it. In the past I have donated clothes and weeks later searched my room for that "one shirt" you know, the one that hung in my closet for the last two years only being worn once or twice. It sucks when I get rid of something and then want it later.

5. I'm constantly looking for great travel deals. Not that I ever really need to go anywhere. But it is nice to know when there is a super sale. I like to think I could pack up and go.

6. I'm going to apply to be a caretaker of an island. Yeah this is pretty far fetched but I think working as a caretaker of an island for 6 months would be a blast. Anything is worth trying so my application is due Feb. 22nd... wish me luck.

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