Wednesday, August 27, 2008


A month of fun.... short version

The past month has been very exciting for me, lots of good things have happened. This post is going to include photos and short descriptions from some of the highlights.

When I was home in early August, Mom, Bob, & Ben helped me out with a project promoting these special t-shirts, Totally _______. Check out the website I am working for,

While in Wisconsin, Beth & Mark had a wedding reception. We got all dolled up in our wedding clothes and had a great evening in Columbus. I was able to catch up with some old college friends from Stevens Point.

By the end of the evening everyone was having fun!

As most of you know the Democratic National Convention is in town this week. It has caused a lot of problems for a lot of people and altered the city. Last Friday, Dad, Lynn and I went to the Pepsi Center, where the majority of the convention is being held. We were able to see the set-up and all the changes made to the building. Here Lynn and I are standing outside of Brooklyn's Bar (next to the Pepsi Center) it was completely converted by CNN for the convention. They painted the inside and outside, new tables, new menu, plus much more creating the CNN Grill.

Here is the inside of the Pepsi Center. They removed 5,000 seats to create the stage.

Dad and I went to the Packers vs. Broncos preseason football game Friday night. We sat in section 103 in the third row. We could basically reach out and touch the players. The seats were great and so was the game, with the Packers winning 27-24.

Geoff and I have been doing a lot of fun things lately. We went to Elitch's (an amusement park) on Sunday. Tonight we went to Cherry Creek State Park, we picked up KFC and watched the sunset. We also drove around the park where we saw a red tailed deer, it was crazy as the park is in the middle of the city but it feels like a different world.

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